July 3, 2019
July 7, 2019The Republic of Fiji Military Forces Farm displayed new farm products at the Agriculture show held at the Valelevu Ground in Nasinu on Thursday July 04th, 2019.
The Agriculture show was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture for agricultural institutions and farmers from various parts of Fiji to display their farming products. People from different ethnic groups and student of various schools crowded the ground to observe the various products displayed by the farmers.
The RFMF Farm Manager, Captain Tomasi Waqabaca stated that it was a historical event for them. “Our presence here is quite an historical one as some fruits and vegetables that we display are new breed of vegetable and fruits in Fiji,” He added that the display was aimed to show case their farm products and some members of the public who came to the Agriculture show have purchased some. “We brought a few bags of guavas this morning, until now we only have 4 guavas left and people are running after it because of its taste and sizes”, he said. He added that the type of guava they produce, the ‘Aleana (Greek – bright and shining) guava has medicinal effects and are good for making guava juice.
He added the result of their hard work will materialize shortly as they are gearing up for their guava harvest this month. “We now have over 900 guava plants ready for harvest and these guava plants covers almost an acre of the farm land”, Captain Waqabaca said.
Captain Waqabaca stated that the main purpose of the Integrated farming system was to enhance the Military for Life Concept. “The programmed was designed to encourage soldiers who are interested in farming, especially for those who have 2 to 4 years left for their retirement to come and learn farming skills and knowledge as part of their retirement plan.