Fijian Peacekeepers Receive Posthumous Award
June 2, 2020A New Colonel of the Regiment for the RFMF
July 21, 2020The Ministry of I-taukei Roko Tui Leadership training programme was officially opened today (6th of July 2020) by the Permeant-Secretary for I-taukei Affairs Mr. Meleti Bainimarama at the Centre of Appropriate Technology and Development (CATD) in Nadave.
The training which was co-hosted by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) Territorial Force (TF) Headquarters will include the coverage of various military learning syllabus which will develop the participant’s knowledge and skills in leadership and also in operational tasking in their respective areas of work.
Speaking in the I-taukei language during the opening of the training programme, Mr Meleti Bainimarama reminded the participants on the importance of maintaining a steadfast leadership position that will bring about success and development and will not destabilize the people.
“Sa tiko e ligamuni na lewenivuli kei kemuni na dauniveituberi na nodra qaravi ka liutaki vinaka na kawa i-taukei, ena gauna oqo, sa gadrevi vakalevu na veiliutaki e rawa ni kauta mai na vinaka…meda dau vakabibitaka na veivosaki vakadomo-ilevui ka cakacaka vakasavasava. Kevaka eda na malumalumu na veiliutaki, era na vakaloloma na qai muri mai. Ia, kevaka eda maroroya vinaka na vanua ka taqomaka na kena veiliutaki, era na kune vakacegu kina na luveda ena vei siga ni mataka, sa na qai matata na gaunisala ka sa na qai davo donu na vakatulewa,” Mr. Bainimarama said.
(“It is in your hands as leaders and as a service provider to lead I-taukei communities, in this time, all that is needed is leadership that will bring about success…we must ensure that we speak boldly and work with good governance. If we weaken ourselves as leaders, our next generation will surely suffer. However, if we protect our people and our leadership our next generation will prosper,” Mr. Bainimarama said.)
“Na matai ni vakaraitaki ni sa mana na veiliutaki, oya na nodra sa yalovata ka cakacaka vata na vakailesilesi. Ni sa solevaki ga na cakacaka, sa rawati na veikalelevu.” Mr Bainimarama concluded.
(“A sign that leadership is successful is when unity is present, and when unity is applied to our tasking we will achieve much greater things.” Mr. Bainimarama concluded.)
In addition to this, RFMF TF brigade major and course manager, Major (Maj) Valu Raumakita stated that the inclusion of military operation syllabus will level up the participant’s leadership skills and discipline which will in return assist members of the province they serve.
The military syllabus that will be covered during the three weeks of training will include the Military Appreciation Process (MAP), Leadership framework lessons, Search and Rescue Operation, and daily physical training exercises.
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